Friday, 28 September 2012

Looming Deadline

Oh, but how it looms. I suffer from awesomnia now (which is insomnia stimulated by too much awesome). 

This blog is going on hiatus until the third book in the Destiny series is safely in the hands of Dragon Moon Press' awesome Managing and Acquisitions Editor, Gabrielle Harbowy.  So I'll be back in about a week and  half.

In the meantime, let me introduce you to the new members of our household! (I blame Roomy)

The fluffy one on the left is Smudge, the other one Pumpkin (nickname: Pie)
Pantoufle is already okay with the kittens.  Pumpkin thinks Pamplo is his mom and he keeps trying to suckle him, so he's still on the fence. Mind you, he did give Pumpkin a big bath this morning, which is not a very good case against being a mom-boy.
See you all soon!


  1. And you must have the scratches to prove it? :-D

  2. Cats are a great distraction. I am servant to two as well. >^..^< One also provided an inspiration for a character in my novel.

    I ordered copies of your first two novels today. Looking forward to reading them.


  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. You understand, Theresa! :D

    Thanks for picking up the novels - I hope you like them!
