Saturday 29 September 2007

First Short Story Published! WOOOOOO!

A friend e-mailed me a day ago to tell me she had just picked up the latest copy of The Voice, and that my first sold short story was in it! I would have rushed out to pick up a copy right away, but I was stuck out of town overnight, and it's a local magazine. But it was even better with the wait!

I picked up a copy the next day (well, ok, I illegally parked, threw my friend out of the car and she ran into a store and picked up a copy while I hunched behind the wheel and kept an eye out for by-law officers), and got to see my words in print for the first time (after making a clean getaway).

That was so cool! I feel the best part is seeing a quote from the story, selected by the editor, placed in a box in bigger font to act as a draw to readers. That makes it official!

The story is entitled The Taste of Sand, and tells of Maribel, an abused woman who believes a better life and lover awaits for her within the nearby borders of the forest. Her struggles transcend her physical pain as reality and expectations collide with her dreams and beliefs.

I want him to come to me, to come get me, to carry me and let my weary body rest, but he just stands there, as still as the trees around him, and my tongue is still too thick to speak.

The magazine is available in several stores in Ottawa, and all proceeds go to women's events and initiatives in the Ottawa area and beyond. It's a good magazine AND a good cause. Feel free to send me feedback on the story. I love feedback! (Particularly good feedback. Go fig.) Check out their website at

Now I've just got to use the momentum to write, send and sale! I hope there will be more posts like this one very soon!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations, I'm so proud of you Madame author!
